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Doubt Diminishes and Delays the Dream

March 7, 2012

I was having a discussion with a colleague the other day. He said he would love to start his own business but because he doubts it would ever happen, refuses to “stop living.” In fact, he still thinks he should be able to indulge in small luxuries while he awaits the fruition of his dream.

After I picked my jaw up off the floor I began to explain to him that he is his own worst enemy. How? Millions of Americans share his belief and behavior. We want our dreams to come through but we carry small doubt they ever will. So what we do is partially live behaving in this doubt. For example, let’s say your dream operates with 90% belief and 10% doubt, I believe what you are doing is wasting 90% energy. We don’t know if that extra 10% of belief is all that’s needed to make our dream become reality.

Look at this. You saved $15,000 to go towards your dream. Because you want present gratifications you put down $5,000 on a new car even when there was nothing wrong with the car you currently drive. You just had to have that Chrysler 300. The very next week an opportunity came along for you to have your dream come through but you are short $5,000.

Many of us miss these boats daily simply because we invest in our doubts. We only give part of ourselves to our dreams preserving part of our belief to go towards our doubts; soon enough, we find ourselves using the money we make at a job, building someone else’s dream, to fund even more of our doubts.

People doubt their dreams so much that they would lock themselves into huge financial obligations they pay from an income source they despise; further widening their gap between their dream and their doubt. We justify this by calling it “preparing for the worst.” There are some people who dream about marriage but because they invest so much energy in doubt that they ever will, they begin having children before they get married, causing their future dream husband/wife to now look pass them…but hey, that’s another column.

Are you regularly investing in doubt by spending on things that bring you short-lived gratification? The point I’m making is if you are trying to make your dream a full time reality, it requires your full time energy. We all know there are people out there who are waiting to kill your dream but, frankly, most of us are doing them the favor by killing our dreams before they even have the chance to blossom.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. March 7, 2012 10:41 am

    This article reminds me how so many people wanting to fulfill their dream, and not being able to take the first step to fulfill that dream. Believe in yourself. It starts with you and your thought process and faith. Believing something will requires faith because belief is trusting it will happen but faith is requiring action behind that belief. Like the famous spiritual quote, “Faith without works is dead”. Well so will your dream be if you don’t react on what you believe and have faith in.

    Casting doubt gives you negative thoughts. Negative thoughts causes you to react on those thoughts. Therefore you start doing things that will go against what it will take to fulfill your dream. I keep positive thoughts because I do believe in my dreams, I believe in me and I believe it is what my most High God (Yahweh) have in his plans for me. I speak it into the universe and created thoughts and planning help me follow through with achieving my goals.
    Even now, I live my life very frugal, so I can be ready to embark on whatever I need to do to have my dreams transform itself into reality. In my place of living, I only have what I need. I have no desire to impress anyone with materials things just so I can say I look good, I am driving good, I live good. I have plans to succeed and embellishing on things just to impress others in NOT in those plans.

    Some people don’t get it. I do. Everybody has dreams but very few are not willing to stomach what is needed to do to fulfill them. It takes hard work and its a challenge. The biggest challenge will be with yourself. Once you conquer self, everything else will fall in place. Great article Devin.

  2. joannapqs permalink
    March 18, 2012 11:33 pm

    Thank you for this article! i agree and I have started making those steps. Work in progress, but I know I’m on my way! I started doing personal development every day which helps me stay focused and not get deterred by those that think my dreams are far fetched or unattainable. Also, I agree you do have to make those life changes, sacrifice some material things and not indulge in certain luxuries to get to your dreams. Wonderful article Professor Devin!

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